Tuesday, March 15, 2011

End of the line

I needed a way to keep critters out of my drain line, so improvised by buying an end cap and drilling numerous small holes in it.  If it gets enough pressure, it will blow off the end, but it should do the trick for normal thunderstorms. 

Anyway, I should finish up the drainage project with another days worth of work.  I have some more backfilling to do.  I have extra rock to put around the A/C units as well as behind the 2x12 box and maybe enough to make a drainage area around a couple of other trouble spots.  I will also need to move all the extra dirt to build up some low areas or the area under my next 4x4 bed.  This has been a lot of work to put in another garden box.  Why did it have to go where the gutter downspout was located?  I guess the next big project will be sprinkler conversion to drip irrigation.

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